#38: The Business of Venture Capital with Lightspeed Venture Partners' Saqib Awan

#38: The Business of Venture Capital with Lightspeed Venture Partners' Saqib Awan

In the world of emerging tech, Venture Capital plays a huge role. We have seen the rise of some of the biggest and most successful technology companies from the portfolios of VC firms. Still, much of it is shrouded in mystery. We are going to dig into Venture Capital.

Today, we are going to be talking with Saqib Awan, a partner at the prestigious venture capital firm Lightspeed Venture Partners. Lightspeed is know for its investments in companies like Snapchat, GrubHub, App Dynamics, Epic Games, Rubrik, Nutanix, ZScaler and Mulesoft, to mention a few.

Saqib is going to tell us how it all works and fill us in on where he sees the tech markets going.

To find out more about Lightspeed’s CIO program, contact Saqib at saqib@lsvp.com.

Connect by Carol Robin and David Bradford: https://amzn.to/3mCM2nJ

#39: Here Come The Robots - Talking RPA with Automation Anywhere's Prince Kohli

#39: Here Come The Robots - Talking RPA with Automation Anywhere's Prince Kohli

Robots and the Magic of RPA Explained

Robots and the Magic of RPA Explained