#40: Life Lessons from the Sheik

#40: Life Lessons from the Sheik

NetApp's very own storage guru, Rajesh "Sheik" Kapoor talks with us about the importance of mentors and about his journey through the world of tech.

Today we are talking to another legend in the tech community. His presence has been huge and and he has been a mentor to many.

Rajesh Kapoor, or as many know him by his nickname, Sheik, has been at NetAp for more than 21 years, and is now a Senior Director at NetApp. He carries the unofficial title of CRO - Chief Reality Officer. For fun, he likes to jump out of airplanes, run marathons, climb mountains, mentor High School Seniors, and recently completed a half ironman.

We are very excited to have him on today.

Welcome Rajesh

FUTRtech focuses on startups, innovation, culture and the business of emerging tech with weekly video podcasts where Chris Brandt and Sandesh Patel talk with Industry leaders and deep thinkers.

#41: Data is a Team Sport - Interview with Databricks' engineer Lee Blackwell

#41: Data is a Team Sport - Interview with Databricks' engineer Lee Blackwell

#39: Here Come The Robots - Talking RPA with Automation Anywhere's Prince Kohli

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