Talking Accessibility with PEAT The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology - #82

Talking Accessibility with PEAT The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology - #82

We have talked a lot about Diversity equity and inclusion, or DEI, but we have had a significant blind spot, and that is with accessibility. So today we are going to add the A on to the end of DEI.

Hey everybody, this is Chris Brandt here with Sandesh Patel, welcome to another FUTR video podcast.

Recently I attended a conference about the Metaverse called Gatherverse, and it was not what I expected. Rather than conversations filled with technical jargon and speeds and feeds, it was about the human side, the need for inclusivity as we create these new worlds. I was fortunate enough to attend a session by Taryn Williams, Assistant Secretary at the office of Disability Employment and policy who put me in touch with the wonderful people at PEAT the Department of Labor's Partnership on Employment & Accessibility Technology.

So, today we are going to talk with PEAT co-directors Corinne Weible and Bill Curtis-Davidson about what the accessibility landscape looks like, and how all of us can do a better job advocating for people with disabilities in the workforce.

Welcome Corinne and Bill

PEAT - Building a Future That Works - Peatworks -
AI & Disability Inclusion Toolkit - Peatworks -
The Equitable AI Playbook - Peatworks -
Telework and Accessibility - Peatworks -
Inclusive XR & Hybrid Work Toolkit - Peatworks -
Inclusive Workplace XR - Peatworks -
Future of Work Podcast - Peatworks -
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2022 XR Access Symposium -
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FUTRtech focuses on startups, innovation, culture and the business of emerging tech with weekly video podcasts where Chris Brandt and Sandesh Patel talk with Industry leaders and deep thinkers.

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Meeting the Patels - Catching up with Vasant and Champa Patel - #83

Meeting the Patels - Catching up with Vasant and Champa Patel - #83

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