All tagged data

#45: Being Trans, with Celia Daniels

We are continuing our conversation about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and today’s conversation is going to touch on some difficult subjects. We are going to hear some very personal stories and unpack some of the complexity of these issues.

Celia Daniels is an Indian trans women, entrepreneur, public speaker, activist, motivator, musician, artist, photographer and filmmaker. She grew up in Southern India and faced intense stigma, discrimination and violence while trying to come to terms with her gender dysphoria.

#37: Talking About Women in Tech - Diversity and Data with Dr Coleen Tartow of Starburst Data

I was recently called out for not having enough women on the podcast, and it is a very fair criticism. Out of the last 34 interviews I have done over the last year, only 2 have been with women. Today we are going to talk diversity and data.

Women are underrepresented in technology. It can be a difficult career path for women and the underrepresented people. Today we are going to be talking about diversity, equity and inclusion in technology and how that impacts the things we build, and at the center of that is data.

#21 - All about Qumulo with Molly Presley

In 2012, Isilon veterans, Neal Fachan, Peter Godman, and Aaron Passey set out to create a new vision for storage. After extensive market research and development, they released the file-based storage platform Qumulo in 2014. Most recently, they finished a substantial funding round with a valuation over a billion dollars. They have built a software defined storage product that is built to run in the data center or in the cloud, focusing on performance and simplicity and looking to rewrite the storage playbook. And, I can tell you that they are popping up in deals all over the place. Today we have with us Molly Presley who runs global product marketing for Qumulo to tell us the story of Qumulo and where they are headed.