AWS Re:Invent 2019 Interviews - CloudZero

AWS Re:Invent 2019 Interviews - CloudZero

I am back from AWS Re:Invent in Las Vegas, and it was quite spectacular. Estimates of attendance put it over 60,000 with some putting attendance at 65,000. It was a jam packed show, and I am working to put together a complete overview of the event, but until I get that done, I wanted to share some of the interviews I did while at the show to whet your appetite.

I feel that the cloud has reached a new level of maturity. I fell as though it is crossing over from the early adopters to the early majority, the pragmatists. With this comes a deeper look at some of the financial aspects of the cloud. The massive shift from Capital Expenditures to purchase physical assets to a variable operational expense model. This can be extremely challenging for companies, and managing costs is a key component of a mature cloud strategy.

I had the opportunity to talk with Erik Peterson who is the Founder and CTO of Cloud Zero. Here is Erik to tell us about the company and what they do to help solve for managing cloud spend.

AWS Re:Invent 2019 Interviews - Fivetran and Perimeter81

AWS Re:Invent 2019 Interviews - Fivetran and Perimeter81

NetApp Insight 2019 Part 2: Interview with Igneous and Cleondris

NetApp Insight 2019 Part 2: Interview with Igneous and Cleondris