All tagged Network

Tips For Picking a Data Center Facility Part 4: Security, Add-ons, and Negotiating the Contract

Welcome back, This is part 4 and the final episode of my series on picking a data center. If you haven’t seen part 1 through 3, please check them out.

Last time we talked about cooling delivery systems, Fire Suppression systems and network. So let’s jump in and start with Security then we’ll talk about add-ons and finally, negotiating a contract.

Tips For Picking a Data Center Facility Part 3: Cooling, Fire Suppression, and Network

So in the last two videos we covered building your own vs. leasing colo space, different tier levels, redundancy factors, frequently used terms, facility considerations, company financials, MEP, PUE and power systems. So if you haven’t seen the first two videos, you can check them out here.


Let’s talk about cooling. This is one of the most important and challenging features of a facility. Cooling capabilities are usually what limits the amount of power consumption and density of your facility. Cooling is dependent on the amount of energy you put into the room, the volume of the room and the amount of airflow.

Re:Invent 2019 Part 2

As I mentioned in Part 1, attendance was high. Now in its 8th year, Re:Invent had the capacity for 65,000 with over 3,000 sessions. 

This year, “Transformation” was the main theme. The main take away was that you should be moving more aggressively to the cloud. Andy Jassy in his keynote kept coming back to this theme, and much of it was aimed at senior leadership. He laid out some key points to accelerating the journey. 

SpaceX To Deploy 1 Million Satellite Uplinks

SpaceX has been talking about their desire to build a space-based array of satellites to bring affordable broadband to the planet. This array of low-earth orbit satellites would orbit as low as 208 miles to provide for reduced latency (pesky physics y’all). Now their subsidiary company, SpaceX Services has reached out to the FCC to get approval to deploy up to a million of earth-based uplinks. Always working at break-neck pace, SpaceX says they could have this service up and running by 2020. Check out more at